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The Nest Nature Center

5 hr
30 dólares estadounidenses
Aguas Zarcas

Service Description

The Nest Nature Center is a forest regeneration initiative that offers seasonal day perch of Striped Owl and a four well-designed hides for action photography of the courtship of White-collared Manakins. The entrance fee is $30 pp and includes lunch served at the manakin hide at midday (heart of palm rice with salad or beef sandwich with French fries, both options come with watermelon juice or water). Peak activity of the manakins dancing is from 10:30am to 2:30pm. The Striped Owls are all day long but usually very shy so you can’t get too close. We recommend starting at around 10am at this location.

Contact Details

  • The Nest Nature Center, colegio, Alajuela Province, Aguas Zarcas, Costa Rica

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